Product news - ELJ Furniture

Stackable Style Chairs!

The Style chair is a stylish, stackable and connectable chair that is excellent for trainings, conferences, restaurants, lunch rooms, trade fairs and events. There are loose coupling fittings and also fixed coupling fittings that are screwed under the seat.

In stock in 5 designs. We now have 2 new variants. We can custom manufacture the Style chair in a variety of colors and fabrics to order.

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The style chair is stackable and very practical. It is possible to stack 12 chairs in height. Has a molded seat that is adapted to be able to sit all day. Weighs only 5.3 kg. The black fabric has an exclusive feel! 40,000 Martindales.

We have developed a new stroller for the Style chair, which also fits several other stackable chairs.

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