Product news - ELJ Furniture

Durable tablecloths of the highest quality!

We offer high quality tablecloths at good prices. Finding stylish and practical cloths that can withstand many washes at a good price can be difficult. We have a large assortment of tablecloths that fit our tables as well as tables from other manufacturers. The fabrics all maintain the quality required of restaurant tablecloths. The tablecloths are made in Europe, 50%Cotton, 50% Polyester.

We stock the dimensions: 130x130cm, 250x130cm, 190x130cm, 195x195cm and 50x50cm. We can custom manufacture and deliver a variety of sizes, materials and colors. Call ELJ for a quote!

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Tailor-made stretch table covers for our round folding Flip and Event standing tables. Available in black, white, gray and red. Immediate delivery!
Also available in a variety of other colors, but then 2 weeks delivery time applies.